
Friday, April 27, 2012

WHS May Professional Development Series

Learning in a Networked World  Add to Planner

Wednesday, 5/9/2011 2:30pm-3:30pm (CHANGED)

Where:                    Mac Lab
Prerequisites: Connection to the Internet/MLTI Laptop
Theme: Digital-age Teaching & Learning online—Literacies for the Information/Creativity Age
Audience: Admin, Teachers, iTeam and interested students

Skill: Beginner to Advanced

NETS•S: 3- 5
NETS•T: 2- 5
NETS•A: 1- 3, 5
Keywords: web20found, networkedlearning, lms, literacies

Primary URL/Discussion: online resource site coming online

Purpose & ObjectivesPurpose of this session is:
  •  introduce faculty and admin to WHS Canvas LMS.
  • to provide examples, techniques and online resources for teachers to use in the classroom and in online spaces through the creation of a Personal Learning Network (PLN).
  • Introduce current research/resources on digital literacies and citizenship

Supporting Research

Introduction to Canvas:
Canvas K-12 Site
Introduction Video: Canvas


Join: Classroom 2.0:
Twitter in Plain English 

Brief and engaging video look at how Twitter works.

Explanation of how Twitter can be used as a professional development tool.

Listing of many Apple Distinguished Educators and Teachers who are using Twitter 

Internet literacy is a hot media/govt topic... a sampling:
Digital Literacy is important


  1. I may not be in school Wed Thomas, if I am and there are no student needs- I will swing by after school. Good for you for making this happen. Hope you get a good showing.

  2. I'll be there. In the Mac Lab?
