Below is a message from Global Education Collaborative member Betsy Corcoran of EdSurge:
Please join EdSurge this Wednesday, February 8th, for our inaugural #esinstruct Twitter chat on the best tools, tips, and techniques for language learning.
EdSurge is the fastest growing newsletter on the planet covering education-technology entrepreneurship. We've got our eye on the tools in development. We'd like to help educators find out what tools might work for them--and give educators a megaphone to share their thoughts and needs with developers.
For a start, we'd like to have a conversation about the most effective tools for teaching languages. We started down this path when one Oakland high school teacher we know asked for advice about what tools could help her Spanish-speaking students reach mastery level proficiency. Other teachers told us they, too, were searching for tools for teaching other languages. We're pulling together our research--but we think these teachers really want to benefit from your insights!
Please bring your thoughts and expertise to this conversation. All you need is a Twitter account. Then search for the hashtag "#esinstruct' between the times of 4:30-7:30pm PST. Tweet in: Let us know whether there are tools you use or tips you can share. We in turn are hoping to invite some teachers who have deep expertise and are willing to share with you.
We will follow up the chat by creating a newsletter that summarizes the highlights of the conversation and includes relevant edtech tools that we've found. If you'd like to get a copy, just drop us a note at and put edSurge-instruct in the subject line. There's absolutely no cost to signing up, no cost to taking part in the Twitter chat and no condo-like sales pitch on any product.
If you find this kind of chat useful, we would love to hear what other topics are worth exploring in the future. And if you're not familiar with EdSurge, please do take a minute to sign up for our newsletter at
Thanks & best wishes,
Leonard Medlock & Betsy Corcoran
Recap: EdSurge's inaugural #esinstruct chat on language learning, Wednesday, February 8th, 4:30-7:30 PST
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